When I Said Exciting Things Were Coming...


Did I mention a cross country move?!

Cause we did that. 

From the desert, to the ocean.

If you followed along with my Instagram or Facebook, then you somewhat know of the challenge it was to get here. (In summary, the Western Slope Curse is a very real thing, lol.)

I could give you a day-by-day rundown of what has happened since we arrived, but I will save that for another, better post.

In the meantime, just know that things are not at all what we were told  they would be. Its been a lot of feeling like we have been 100% in survival mode. 

Aside from the beauty and amazing people here in North Carolina. I could focus on the negative, or I could tell you that Zac has taken the oldest two fishing or just in the canoe every day. I got to see the ocean WITH my kids, and their minds were blown. We've eaten BoJangles, Moe's, and my kids are catching fish for dinner. 

I found a super cute (Veteran Owned!) salon, with the sweetest stylist who did a small chop for me to be able to better handle the humidity. I also found an amazing esthetician, who absolutely perfected my eyebrows. 

I've been involved in conversations that reminded me of the olden days.. like when I grew up in a tiny little rural town of Nebraska. The kind of conversations that make your heart feel warm, and make you realize that its not ALL as bad as we are being made to think. I've had the kind of interactions that truly make you believe in the goodness, and kindness of other humans.

Zac has his first local market coming up this month, and he is super excited.

While I have found some AMAZING brunch spots and am excited to host in my new area... lets just say I am going to have to do a lot of soul searching if I am going to actually get one on the schedule.

There is a lot going on behind the scenes, and I am looking forward to being able to share it with y'all on the other side of it!

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